COVID-19: physiotherapy professionals mobilized (by OPPQ on May 2020; English version)

COVID-19: physiotherapy professionals mobilized

In this month of physiotherapy 2020, the Professional Order of Physiotherapy of Quebec (OPPQ) highlights the sustained efforts of physical rehabilitation therapists (T.R.P.) and physiotherapists who are mobilizing to face the great challenge of the pandemic.

Throughout the month of May, the OPPQ will present an overview of the practice of physiotherapy during this pandemic period.
The contribution of physiotherapy professionals affects different sectors and takes the form of various activities:
Some professionals use their physiotherapy expertise in intensive care units, long-term care accommodation (CHSLD) and in home-care.

Others are testing for COVID-19.
Many are taking on new roles in the health network, for example as patient attendants. Physiotherapists and T.R.P. continued to provide urgent care to the population and adopted remote consultations to continue to offer their services. Physiotherapy professionals always on hand

Physiotherapy, an essential service!

Urgent care
In the private sector, physiotherapists and T.R.P. have adapted their practice in order to continue treating their patients. Some urgent cases requiring an in-person consultation are received in the clinic, others benefit from remote consultations.

When the situation is right, patients whose condition does not require immediate follow-up can meet their physiotherapy professional remotely. This type of consultation, which is called “telerehabilitation”, is currently very successful and allows contact to be maintained between the professional and the patient.

The professionals thus take care, as far as possible, that the patients do not develop too severe complications, preserve their functional capacities and remain able to carry out their daily activities.

Remote consultations | Telerehabilitation
Physiotherapy for vulnerable people Physiotherapy in CHSLD.
In CHSLDs, physiotherapists and T.R.P. were used to keep people active. By helping them maintain their mobility and independence, they ensure that their condition does not deteriorate.

Beneficiary attendants
Some physiotherapy professionals perform tasks that are outside of their usual area of ​​expertise. Trained on site by beneficiary attendants, they participate in particular in feeding and maintaining residents’ hygiene.
Many professionals have volunteered to lend a hand in CHSLDs and other under-staffed health establishments.

Did you know?

COVID-19 screening
Certain physiotherapists practicing in health care establishments may also carry out tests for COVID-19.
Their contribution enables nurses and respiratory therapists to integrate services where their presence is essential.

Physiotherapy in intensive care

Physiotherapy professionals working in intensive care units use their skills to help patients with COVID-19 recover as well as possible.
Often aged and connected to respirators because of significant breathing difficulties, these patients may, to varying degrees, benefit from physiotherapy interventions, in particular to breathe better and regain their mobility.

A word from the president of the OPPQ
“Our committed and dedicated professionals put their many skills at the service of the population. Their versatility is impressive. I invite you to let yourself be inspired by the articles, portraits and testimonials that we will publish throughout this month of physiotherapy. “
Denis Pelletier, physiotherapist, president of the OPPQ

original text in French:

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